MBA or which other course option would you suggest for Ravi?

Ravi is 20 and currently completing Bachelors of Mass Media.

Most of his friends are planning for an MBA and are preparing for it.

Ravi enjoyed his 3 years of education and is looking forward to studying more.

But Marketing is not one of them, yet he is keen for an MBA.

In fact, he is open to study and move abroad as well. 

According to you which other course options are open for Ravi?

Or should he start working?

Comment below to share your suggestions.

Asked by Edumilestones | 29th of September 2020

career counsellor voiceofvipin

16 Answers

Sunny Suman

9th of January 2022 | 2 Likes


Since Ravi is on path towards just completing his education he should look forward to start working for now. That will give him the clarity on what the job market needs in his industry while also help him understand what he is capable of doing. Later on he can choose the right course for himself.

Lot of times what we know of the jobs changes once we get involved in it. 

Ashutosh Kar

7th of October 2020 | 2 Likes


Ravi can pursue Master’s in Mass Communication or go for Event Management. Under Event Management one can learn and apply multi-disciplinary skills while exploring their creative side. It will also give him edge to start his own entrepreneurial journey


30th of September 2020 | 2 Likes


My suggestion is to take an MBA course abroad - it offers a wide range of subjects to study as well as cross-cultural exposure. During internship, Ravi might receive the necessary work experience, prove self and continue a career journey after MBA degree is received.

Sunny Suman

30th of September 2020

MBA courses without any experience is not a great choice as good colleges look for experience of at least 2 years. This is further difficult in other countries.

Siddarth Manda

6th of July 2022 | 2 Likes


Because You completed Mass Media at your Graduation, here I suggesst you to go for MBA. Try to complete your MBA from reputed Institution. 

Lovely professional University's Manaagement Department, Mittal School of Business(MSoB), is NIRF 37th Rank in the current year 2021. 

MSoB is offering variety of MBA programms, think over them, base on your interst you cam make the choice of MBA degree. The link is provided for your reference.

Prateeksha Deshpande | Certified Career Analyst...

30th of March 2021 | 2 Likes


In my opinion,

Mass Media always does not mean journalism. If Ravi is good at his writing skills then he can be a script writer. As you have mentioned, marketing is not one for him, he may choose to be behind the scenes and explore the market. Digital marketing is high in demand these days. He need not go for MBA, he can choose Google certified Digital marketing courses and start earning.

There are courses on Sports management, he can be a sportscaster. He need to explore all the possible options available to him, and then decide.
